

What is ZeniFix® ?

Your selected bentonite from Andes mountain

ZeniFix® is a synergetically boosted mixture of natural minerals with a high level of purity , ZeniFix® is made of a combination of specially selected Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicates (HSCAS) with high efficiency to adsorb polar Mycotoxins. An ultra-laminated and porous bentonite, which builds up a large surface area, granting the maximum adsorption capacity.

Typical Chemical Analysis: SiO2: 62.60 %  ,  Al2O3: 15.86 %. 

Species :  Poultry ,  Cattle & Equine


What is ZeniFix ?

  • ZeniFix is made of a combination of specially selected
    Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicates (HSCAS) with high
    efficiency to adsorb polar mycotoxins.
  • An ultra-laminated and porous bentonite, which builds up a
    large surface area, granting ZeniFix the maximum adsorption
  • Typical Chemical Analysis: SiO2: 62.60 %  ,  Al2O3: 15.86 %. 

Sourcing: the crucial step to secure quality and performance!

Bentonite, HSCAS, is a clay mineral formed by the transformation of volcanic ash deposited in lakes with low salinity, giving rise to a laminar structure of fine minerals and important binding properties. These events are dated from the Cretaceous era, which occurred 97 million years ago. Andes region in Argentina is the world’s best source for HSCAS, an area sparsely populated and with no industrial production, thus zeroing the risk of dioxins and other industrial contaminants that are usually present in HSCAS produced in the USA and Asia. ZeniFIX is special because it is produced out of the very best mines from Andes in Argentina!

Mode of action

The calcium and sodium molecules of ZeniFix will bind to polar mycotoxins which will resist to variations of temperature and pH in the gut, leading the mycotoxins to be excreted with the faeces

Effective solution with
very small inclusion rates!

Possessing an ultra-thin laminar structure measuring 9.5 Å (10 meters), ZeniFix has
an extremely large surface area, equivalent to 80 sq.m. per gram of product. The
larger the surface area, the better the mycotoxin adsorption efficacy

ZeniFix : Powerful against Mycotoxins,
Harmless against Vitamins!

The Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) is one factor that indicates whether a product is a good
adsorbent. A low CEC means that the product cannot bind mycotoxins, with a too high CEC you might
catch nutrients from the diets.
Some HSCAS can present a high CEC; many products adsorb important nutrients such as minerals and
vitamins which might impair the animal’s growth ZeniFix CEC is controlled in order to guarantee its.
adsorption efficacy without catching the feed nutrients: CEC, 58~100 Meq/100g